Wednesday, August 21, 2013


So today was the first gym day in like, 2 weeks.  (usch.)  But it was a special gym day because I met with a trainer!  She built me a plan combining cardio and weight lifting to do three times a week, supplemented with swimming twice a week.  I'm super motivated now, she was great, really encouraging and upbeat (but not annoyingly so) and in two months she's going to build me a new plan so I don't get stagnant.

I still don't have food under control, but I'm working on it.  It's not going to get better until I MAKE it get better.  Screw binge eating/comfort eating/stress eating.  How does it help me?  Answer:  It DOES NOT.  So why do it?  Habit/laziness/self sabotage.  For a while there I said to myself, "I can eat what I want right now because I'm quitting smoking"  Which would have been fine, except that I didn't succeed at quiting smoking.  So I've eaten crap, inhaled poison, and not gone to the gym.  Way to go Mango, way to go.

I weighed myself today, the damage is bad.  Really bad.  So bad that I'm not ready to post it here.  I will post my monthly check in on September 1st though, regardless of what the scale says, because that's my promise to myself and I'll be damned if I don't follow threw with this.  But for the next week and a half it's lots of water, healthy eating, and going to the gym, and we'll see if I can neutralize this weight gain.

Remember when I said I was back on track?  Yeah... that... I would say that I mean it this time, but what weight does that statement hold now?  Only one thing to do.  FUCKING DO IT.


Mango Kitty

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