Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I need a serious diet make over.  I'm going with LCHF, I've done it before and lost 10kg, many cm's, body fat% and felt great.  Then I started slacking and it slid out of control. But I've decided to get back into it.  And I know it will work.  Plus I have a LCHF buddy to help me!  I'm going to her place on Friday so we can go threw the details of our awesomeness.

LCHF is quite simple, you cut out white stuff, sugar, flower, potatoes, rice, and processed grains.  You eat lots of vegetables and protein, and drink lots of water.  You avoid processed "low fat" foods, as they have added sugar in them, and you eat "real" butter, cream, oils, and nuts.  Fruit is candy, frozen raspberries and whipped cream is ice cream, and unsalted nuts are potato chips.

The gym is going good,  I'm slowly getting over my insecurity there and am growing more confident in my workouts.  Next week I hope to start swimming as well as lifting and walking.

I'm really looking forward to being in the best shape of my life!  Check in is Sunday, It won't be pretty, but it'll be a needed kick in the ass! Go Go Miss Mango!

Mango Kitty

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


So today was the first gym day in like, 2 weeks.  (usch.)  But it was a special gym day because I met with a trainer!  She built me a plan combining cardio and weight lifting to do three times a week, supplemented with swimming twice a week.  I'm super motivated now, she was great, really encouraging and upbeat (but not annoyingly so) and in two months she's going to build me a new plan so I don't get stagnant.

I still don't have food under control, but I'm working on it.  It's not going to get better until I MAKE it get better.  Screw binge eating/comfort eating/stress eating.  How does it help me?  Answer:  It DOES NOT.  So why do it?  Habit/laziness/self sabotage.  For a while there I said to myself, "I can eat what I want right now because I'm quitting smoking"  Which would have been fine, except that I didn't succeed at quiting smoking.  So I've eaten crap, inhaled poison, and not gone to the gym.  Way to go Mango, way to go.

I weighed myself today, the damage is bad.  Really bad.  So bad that I'm not ready to post it here.  I will post my monthly check in on September 1st though, regardless of what the scale says, because that's my promise to myself and I'll be damned if I don't follow threw with this.  But for the next week and a half it's lots of water, healthy eating, and going to the gym, and we'll see if I can neutralize this weight gain.

Remember when I said I was back on track?  Yeah... that... I would say that I mean it this time, but what weight does that statement hold now?  Only one thing to do.  FUCKING DO IT.


Mango Kitty

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Brain Freeze

Miss Mango has been eating too much ice cream....

Seriously, It's like I'm addicted or something.  Sweet sweet creamy ice creamy goodness... No, NOT GOODNESS!  EVILNESS! ::sigh:: who am I kidding.  I love the stuff.

Now that summer vacation is over and I'm more busy I'm having trouble motivating myself to eat healthy and work out.  We live so close to the store that I can just walk down and buy whatever I'm craving.  (Which is unfortunately almost always something unhealthy)  And by the time I remember to go to the gym, I'm already in my pj's and ready for bed.  I be needing a serious kick in the shorts.  Hopefully I'll get it on Wednesday!

I've scheduled a time with a trainer at the gym! I'm hoping she will build me a challenging yet realistic weight lifting program that will kick my butt back in gear, which I will complement with swimming once the pool opens up again on August 25th.

I've been gaining weight, because I have been eating crap and not exercising.  No excuses, that's the way it is.  But it isn't ok.  I need to get healthy.  I NEED TO GET HEALTHY!  And I'm the only one who can take me there.  So that's that.  Decided.  I'm officially back on track.  Yay me!
Hopefully there's time to save this month from serious weight gain at Septembers check in.  GO GO MISS MANGO!!!

Mango Kitty

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bad Mango

So...  I haven't been to the gym at all this week.  Not once.  Bad Mango!  BAD!

But I'm rationalizing it like this, I've had a TUN of pain, and I've been busy busy.  Yes it's true that if I have time to sit on facebook, I have time to go to the gym.  It's just the energy and strength to complete a decent workout that has been lacking.  I have been walking every day, which is good.  So it's not like I've been completely sedentary (<is that the word I want here?)  I figure I'll give myself the weekend off as well, and then dive head first into it on Monday.  ::flexes::

I think this is an excellent plan for two reason:

1.)Monday is the international day for starting things
2.)The gyms trainer comes back from vacation Monday so I'll be able to set up a training session with her to build a personal workout plan.  ::flexes again::

In other news I RAN yesterday!  I went to take a dog I train for our walk, and it was PISS raining, so after he did his business, I said screw this we're heading back.  But I knew he still needed to burn some energy, so we RAN the whole way home!!!!!!  I'm super proud of myself.  But I felt it, oh man did I feel it.

I do not have a runners body.  Even when I was a teenager and played lots of sports, I didn't have a runners body.  I could blame it on my exercise induced asthma, or I can simply except that not everyone is a runner, some people do better lifting heavy things and pushing heavy things and generally being a beast, as apposed to a gazelle.  I, my friends, and a BEAST!
Mango Kitty

Monday, August 5, 2013


^Looking pretty good for the morning after a party that lasted till 6am huh?
I like going to parties, I enjoy drinking, laughing, singing, dancing, and generally having fun.


When I drink, I smoke and eat crap.  And it triggers my fibromyalgia so that for DAYS after a party I am exhausted and in tuns of pain.  In the moment, totally worth it.  But in the long run?  Not so much.

So I'm taking a break from drinking, a 30 day break for now, we'll see at the end of 30 days if I'll keep it going or not.

I was planning on going to the gym today, but I'm still in so much pain from Saturdays party that there is no way.  I'll focus on good eating and taking it easy so I can do what I have planned for the rest of the week. 

I can't half ass being healthy.  If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right and go all the way.  Commitment people!  Lets get those gainz!!!

Mango Kitty

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Check In

So there I was, standing in my bathroom, facing the scale.  Oh how I hate that scale.  I stepped on, I held my breath, and you know what it told me?  I fucking GAINED weight.  Yup, you read that right.  I thought for sure that I wouldn't be making this post, that I would just "wait for it to go down again" and then start there.  But this is my accountability blog.  And I'm going to do what I said I would do.  So here it is.

Weight: 117.0kg

The crazy thing is, that even though I gained 2.4kg, I LOST 2 centimeters!  (ok so it's not much, but it is enough to restore my faith in the process)

Neck: 36cm (from 36m)
Chest: 106cm (from 106cm)
Waist: 106cm (from 107cm)(yea, my belly's the same size of my boobs.w00tNOT)
Hips: 135cm (from 136cm)
Thigh: 78cm (from 78cm)

My BMI is 41.45.  Scary stuff.

But the really exciting thing, is that my Body Fat % is down from 56.7% to 55.9%  even though I gained weight, I lost fat.  Which is essentially my goal threw all of this.  So while today the scale is not my friend, I still consider it a victory.

Also let it be said that it isn't really surprising that I've gained some weight with the way I have been eating this past month.  Yes I've started working out which is great, but they say it's 80% diet 20% exercise.  So I need to get my food intake on track, STAT!  This month will be better.  I've decided. :)

Mango Kitty