Monday, September 16, 2013


Have I mentioned I'm a sugar addict?  Cuz I'm a sugar addict.  And it's annoying that I can't simply let that sweet granulated white stuff BE, and not shove it in my mouth, CONSTANTLY.   I need to concentrate on good habits, get to get to the gym, eat right, sleep a normal amount of time instead of the gazillion hours of sleep I get a night now.  It's so easy to say I'm going to do all of these things, It's much harder to implement them.  It's too easy to eat junk and stay home from the gym. 

Dear Me, Stop being so freaking LAZY!

Mango Kitty

Sunday, September 8, 2013


^tired and sweaty after today's workout!^

The gym went really well today,  I got a bunch of personal records, including breaking a 200lbs leg press!  Yeah buddy!

Unfortunately the scale is still not moving, even though I can tell cloths are starting to fit me better and I feel much more in control of my body it's discouraging to see the scale remain stagnant.   I know that how I feel is much more important than the scale, But I just can't get over it.  I'm so tired of being obese, of being ashamed of my size and weight, of living a plus sized life.  With time and consistent effort I'll get there.  I'll be strong, healthy, and proud of my body.  In the meanwhile I'll have to remind myself how far I have come...
 These pants used to be tight, now they literally fall off without a belt! Keep the faith!

Mango Kitty

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Check in

And then we find ourselves in September.  What?!?  When did that happen???  I'm about this impressed.

Anyhoo, It's the first of September today, that means check in, here are my stats:

Weight: 116.3kg (from 117)

Neck: 36cm (from 36m)
Upper arm: 44cm
Chest: 106cm (from 106cm)
Waist: 101cm (from 106cm)
Hips: 134cm (from 135cm)
Thigh: 77cm (from 78cm)

Body Fat%: 53.6% (from 55.9%) (WOOHOO!)
BMI: 41.21 (from 41.45)

So while it's going slowly, it IS going!  That's the most important thing, that the numbers keep moving down.  I am re-vamping my eating this month and hope to see an acceleration in loss, while continuing to regularly go to the gym.  Here are some progress pics.

 How is it even possible to have as much hips as I do?  Madness...  Oh well, I'd rather have big hips because it means I'm going to have an hourglass figure when I'm at a healthy weight, but right now it looks like I've got pillows hidden under my freakin pants. 
I'm not going to the gym today, because I had a stomach bug yesterday and puked like craaaazy.  I feel much better today but I don't want to risk it.  So it's a rest day for me.  Horrah horray :/

Time to curl up on the couch and watch old UFC with my Viking.

Mango Kitty